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Scholarship recipient spotlight: Meet Laura

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Laura Merica is a student at Queen’s University, pursuing a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Life Sciences and a Bachelor of Education with a minor in French Studies. As the recipient of the McDonald-Doran and CNIB Scholarships in 2024, Laura is committed to making a difference in education and science. 

"I often describe being a university student with vision loss as a balancing act. On the one hand, I’m more aware than ever of the challenges I face in a variety of situations, yet on the other hand, my vision loss has helped shape my work ethic and determination to succeed. This dichotomy has been at the forefront of my educational journey. 

Laura, a young woman with blonde hair, smiles while standing in front of a lush green garden with palm trees and shrubs. She is wearing a light blue sundress. Looking back, the goals outlined in my scholarship application have made me realize how much I’ve accomplished this year and how my career aspirations have evolved. As I’m nearing the completion of my science and education degrees, starting to see the results of all my hard work is both a source of pride and a motivating force pushing me to dream bigger –something I also attribute to the help of these scholarships.

Maximizing the opportunities I can participate in and continuing my personal development is of great importance to me. Thanks to the funding provided by CNIB scholarships, I have been able to focus on pursuing work positions, extracurriculars, and educational experiences beneficial to my future academic and employment goals. Having scholarships that are accessible to our community validates and rewards our experiences and effort and becomes one less hurdle to overcome as a university student. 

While receiving scholarship funding certainly provides important material assistance to remove financial barriers, the support goes far beyond that. By allowing me to devote my time and effort to my studies, I’ve excelled academically and personally. Instead of seeing my vision loss as something that holds me back, I have grown to realize that I would not have accomplished all that I have in my education had I not pushed myself to overcome every challenge that arose.” – Laura Merica