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Programs and Services

CNIB provides an opportunity for limitless possibilities, providing you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to smash barriers in pursuit of the life you choose.

There’s always something going on at CNIB! Whether it’s children and youth groups, employment workshops, recreational activities, peer support groups or technology training sessions, our innovative programs are designed to educate, engage and support our participants across all areas of their lives.

CNIB programs are free and available to Canadians who are blind or partially sighted, as well as their families, friends and caregivers. Explore our online calendar to see what’s happening in your community.

Our programs are designed to address the needs of people of all ages across these areas:

CNIB Mobile Hub

Mobile Hub

Meet the CNIB Mobile Hub – a new program delivery model where we visit your community to deliver in-person programming at no cost to you.
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"Live" programs provide the support and services to enhance your daily living skills, realize your goals, and seize your future with confidence.
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Unleashing the power of technology lets you lead an independent life. Our "Technology" programs level the playing field, providing skills and training that focus on the accessible, available, and affordable technology.
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CNIB's "Learn" programs focus on education, skills training, and literacy to empower you to achieve your goals by fostering social skills and independence.
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Whether you're thinking of trying yoga, learning how to paint, or dreaming about going to camp, "Play" programs foster an active and healthy lifestyle and give you the opportunity to connect with others.
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CNIB's "Work" programs provide you with the skills and resources to attain your career ambitions, thrive academically at every stage, and hone your abilities as an entrepreneur or mentor.