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Meet Shep Shell

Shep Shell walks with his guide dog whilst wearing a dark suit and tie.

"Why I'm leaving a legacy"

Deciding to leave a legacy gift was an easy decision for Shep Shell, a long-time CNIB supporter and volunteer. 

“At some point, I began to wonder how could I, a person with limited financial resources, make a more tangible contribution?

I chose to purchase a life insurance policy where the premiums are tax deductible and I am provided with a tax receipt each year,” he explains. “This allows me to leave a substantial amount to CNIB without burdening me financially in life.” 

The process of leaving a legacy gift was seamless and straightforward for Shep – and a meaningful way to give back to the organization that has been an integral part of his life for more than 50 years. 

Shep – who was born blind – fervently believes in the importance of dreaming and working to achieve those dreams, no matter what challenges in life you face. With CNIB’s support over the decades, he has realized many of his own dreams, including marathon running and becoming a motivational speaker. 

“I’m very comfortable with my decision and grateful that this way of supporting an organization that’s important to me is available,” Shep says. “Knowing I’m able to make a difference and leave a legacy fills me with a wonderful sense of satisfaction.”