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Harmony Hub: World Singing Day

DateOctober 8, 2024
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm EDT
Event Type
In Person
Program Type
Culture, Sport & Recreation Programs

CNIB London Community Hub
171 Queens Ave Suite 101
London ON N6A 5J7

World Singing Day is October 19! Sing together – unite the world! Each year on the third Saturday in October, people all over the world gather in groups of all sizes in schools, pubs, parks, plazas and homes to sing and celebrate our common humanity. CNIB would like to unite our voices across the country with the two songs from the official World Singing Day organization! Enjoy singing, music trivia music games and bring an instrument to play along! Lyrics and music for two songs will be sent at registration. 

Harmony Hub: World Singing Day meets on Tuesday, October 8 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the CNIB London Community Hub.

Please be advised that you must register for all programs. We kindly ask you to RSVP a minimum of 1 full business day before the start of the program. 

Registration required. To register, please complete the CNIB Auto Registration Form.

For more information, please contact Vera Orsini, Program Lead, Peer Social and Recreation Groups at vera.orsini@cnib.ca or call 1-800-563-2642.

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