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Roaring Success: MDA Lions Raise Funds for New CNIB Lake Joe Minibus

In a heartwarming display of community spirit and generosity, the Multiple District A (MDA) Lions have achieved a remarkable feat by fundraising in support of a brand-new minibus for CNIB Lake Joe.

In partnership with the Lions for over 60 years, CNIB Lake Joe has long been a home away from home for children and adults impacted by blindness. Welcoming guests from near and far, transportation has been an essential part of the camp experience. CNIB Lake Joe has two aging minibuses that have been getting people to camp from across Ontario for over 15 years. Both are showing signs of wear and tear, with one recently becoming inoperable. 

A white minibus is in a parking lot. It is covered in a yellow wrap with “CNIB Lake Joe: Enriching lives. Making memories. Building independence. Cnib.ca/lakejoe 1-877-748-4028” on the side. On the back window is a Lions Club International logo.
Artist rendering of the new CNIB Lake Joe minibus

Recognizing the need, the Lions took matters into their own hands, launching a “Get on Board” campaign to help raise $185,000 for a new minibus that will provide safe, accessible, reliable, and comfortable transportation for campers.

Through a series of creative initiatives and community events, clubs within MDA steadily amassed the necessary funds. When Jerry Rebidoux*, A12 District Governor made the CNIB Lake Joe Minibus Campaign his District Project, donations spiked. In the end, the Lions far surpassed their initial goal raising well over half of the funds required.

Once the MDA Lions’ half of the funds were raised, an application was made to the Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) for a matching grant, bringing the fundraising campaign to a successful conclusion in May.

"It was truly inspiring to see how everyone rallied behind this cause," Jerry said proudly. "We believe in enriching the lives of our community members, especially those with sight loss who benefit so much from the programs provided by CNIB Lake Joe."

We can’t wait to unveil the brand new 24-passenger mini-bus which is being custom built and to celebrate all the Lions who gave so generously. With a wheelchair lift, air conditioning, Bluetooth capabilities and space for luggage, the modern vehicle promises to enhance the camp experience, ensuring safe and comfortable transportation for years to come.

"This new minibus is more than just a mode of transport," explained Monique Pilkington, Executive Director of CNIB Lake Joe. "It represents a community coming together to support our mission of providing enriching experiences for everyone who visits our camp. We are extremely grateful for Lions’ unwavering support as dedicated Knights of the Blind.”

Jerry Rebidoux, A12 District Governor

An image of Jerry Rebidoux hold his CNIB award infront of  Lake Joe i
Jerry Rebidoux holding the 2023/24 CNIB District of the Year Award.

CNIB District of the Year Award Winner

As we eagerly await the arrival of the new CNIB Lake Joe mini-bus, one thing is clear. Lion Jerry Rebidoux, A12 District Governor has left an indelible mark on his community. We were so thrilled to award him with the 2023/24 CNIB District of the Year Award. Under his leadership, Lions in his district gave generously to CNIB, raising the most funds of any district throughout Multiple District A and making our dream to secure a new minibus a reality.