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 A white cane scans a sidewalk. In the background, mens shoes trail behind the tip of the cane.

White Cane Legislation

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The white cane is now an internationally recognized symbol of sight loss due to the advocacy of people that are blind or partially sighted. In Canada, most provinces have formally recognized the cane as a symbol of sight loss and reserve the right to use a cane only for people who are blind or partially sighted. Learn more about the legislation in your province. 


Alberta law states that only people who are blind can use or carry a white cane in public. Violation of this can result in a fine.

Blind Persons’ Rights Act 
3.  No person other than a blind person shall carry or use a white cane in a public place or public conveyance or other place to which the public is permitted to have access.
4. A person who contravenes section 3 is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding $250.

British Columbia 

BC legislation states that only people who are blind may carry or use a white cane in public. Violations of this can result in a fine.

The Blind Persons’ White Cane Act 
Chapter 30
3. No person other than a blind person shall carry or use a white cane in any public thoroughfare, public conveyance, public place, or place to which the public has access. 1948, c. 29, s. 3.
4. Any person who violates the provisions of section 3 is guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars and costs. 1948, c. 29, s. 4.


Manitoba law states that only people who are blind can use or carry a white cane on any highway or public place.

Manitoba Human Rights Act 
Restriction on use of white cane 8(1)
No person other than a blind person shall carry or use a white cane on any highway or public thoroughfare, or in any public conveyance or other public place.


Newfoundland law states that only a person who is blind may carry or use a white cane in public.

Newfoundland and Labrador Service Animal Act 
8. A person other than a blind person shall not carry or use a white cane in a public thoroughfare, public conveyance or public place.

New Brunswick

There are no restrictions currently in place in New Brunswick regarding the use of white canes. However, it is noted in The Human Rights Act of New Brunswick that one cannot be discriminated against for the use of a cane.

The Human Rights Act of New Brunswick
2.1 “For the purposes of this Act, the prohibited grounds of discrimination are (h) physical disability,” 
““physical disability”  means any degree of disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement of a physical nature resulting from bodily injury, illness or birth defect and includes, but is not limited to, a disability resulting from any degree of paralysis or from diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, amputation, lack of physical coordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or on a wheelchair, cane, crutch or other remedial device or appliance. (incapacité physique)”


There is currently no legislation in Nunavut on this matter. 

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia legislation states that only a person who is blind may carry or use a white cane in public.

Blind Persons’ Rights Act: Nova Scotia 
5. No person, other than a blind person, shall carry or use a cane or walking stick, the major part of which is white, in any public place, public thoroughfare or public conveyance. 


Ontario legislation states that only people who are blind shall carry or use a white cane or walking stick in public.

Blind Persons’ Rights Act
3. No person, other than a blind person, shall carry or use a cane or walking stick, the major part of which is white, in any public place, public thoroughfare or public conveyance. R.S.O. 1990, c. B.7, s. 3.


PEI law states that only a person who is blind can use or carry a white cane in public. Violation of this can result in a fine.

PEI White Cane Act
No person not being a blind person shall carry or use a white cane in any public thoroughfare, public conveyance or public place. R.S.P.E.I. 1974, Cap. W-6, s.3


Quebec formerly had legislation which states that only a person who is blind may carry or use a white cane in public. This legislation was repealed in 1978.

White Cane Act
2. No person other than a blind person shall carry or use, in any public place, a cane whereof the greater part is coloured white.
3. Any person who contravenes section 2 is guilty of an offence and liable, on summary prosecution, to a fine of not more than fifty dollars in addition to the costs.


Saskatchewan legislation states that only a person who is blind may carry or use a white cane in any public place. Violations of this can result in prosecution.

The White Cane Act 
3. No person other than a blind person shall carry or use a white cane in any public thoroughfare, public conveyance or public place.