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Elderly woman in red is walking and being guided by another woman who is wearing a yellow shirt and olive green pants.

Mission and Values

Learn about our mission and the values that animate everything we do.
Celine Garneau, reading from a book in one of CNIB’s recording studios.

Meet Céline

For Céline Garneau, volunteering at the CNIB Foundation isn't a job; it's a pleasure. The retired philosophy teacher joined our volunteer team in 2002, helping to create accessible audio books for people with sight loss in our recording studios
Puppy Raiser Yuko Imai, kneeling next to Potter, a future CNIB Guide Dog

Meet Yuko

When Yuko first saw a posting to become a puppy raiser more than two years ago, she was intrigued. She had only just moved to Halifax and was looking for a way to engage with her new community.
Russell Enns, Brian Malcolm, Noemi Stroda and Sierra Sanger, smiling for the camera in front of a CNIB office.

Meet the UBCO Nursing Students

In the summer of 2019, four nursing students from the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Okanagan campus enhanced the lives of individuals living with sight loss.
Nancy Simonot wearing a pink cowboy hat and speaking into a microphone at a Lake Joe fundraising event.

Meet Nancy

For Nancy Simonot, volunteering with CNIB Lake Joe, a life-changing camp that provides enriching experiences for Canadians with sight loss, is a family affair. Her journey with CNIB began when her son, Matthew, had a transformational experience as a volunteer counsellor.
Lloyd Buckler, sitting down at a table helping someone learn how to navigate their iPhone.

Meet Lloyd

Lloyd facilitated group technology sessions, but he also recognized the need for more personalized training for those new to technology, so he also began volunteering as a Tech Mate.
Kimberly Blain, leaning against a tree in a forest during the Autumn season.

Meet Kimberly

In her volunteer facilitator role, Kimberly runs programs designed by CNIB Foundation staff to teach youth participants life skills, like leadership, and resume writing.
Julie Morneault sitting in a red truck with a blue motorcycle helmet on her lap.

Meet Julie

Julie Morneault has volunteered with the CNIB Foundation since 2013. Since then, she has worked in several roles with the organization. While she volunteers at her local CNIB office, she also goes into the community to tell her story, and to talk about the importance of accessibility and inclusion.
Gary Peasgood, standing outdoors against a wood patio wall with his guide dog.

Meet Gary

Thanks to volunteers like Gary, a whole new generation of kids will grow up asking how they can help make a more accessible Canada!
Brittany Farrell, smiling for the camera, standing in front of a window that overlooks the city of St. John’s, Newfoundland. A heart graphic can be seen against the window.

Meet Brittany

Brittany Farrell, from St. John’s, Newfoundland, has been involved with the CNIB Foundation for longer than she can remember. From volunteering at events to helping around her local office, Brittany is passionate about staying involved with her community.
People boarding an airplane at sunset.

Airport Relief Areas in Canada

Locate pet relief areas in Canadian airports.