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U.S. Centers for Disease Control updates rules for dogs entering the United States from rabies-free countries

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In May, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control announced new rules for all dogs entering the United States as part of their efforts to prevent dog-variant rabies from entering the country. 

The changes, which were set to take effect Aug. 1, would have required people entering the U.S. with a dog to complete two new forms, including one signed by a veterinarian to be verified upon arrival by U.S. border agents.

CNIB Guide Dogs publicly voiced its concerns about how the changes and cumbersome administrative paperwork would negatively affect guide dog handlers crossing the border. 

On Monday, after much public pushback, the CDC announced that they have simplified the rules for people bringing dogs into the U.S. from rabies-free and low-risk countries. Now, if you are bringing a dog into the US from a dog rabies-free or low-risk country after Aug. 1, you must complete the CDC Dog Import Form. Guide dog handlers from high-risk rabies countries must still meet the original requirements. 

While CNIB Guide Dogs is encouraged by the changes the CDC has made to the dog importation process and entry requirements, the CDC Dog Import Form remains inaccessible to screen reader users, preventing people who are blind from independently and accurately submitting the legal declaration paperwork required for them to cross the U.S. border with their guide dog. CNIB Guide Dogs urges the CDC to immediately rectify this issue and make their form accessible to all. 

For more detailed information, please visit www.cdc.gov/dogtravel  or contact the CDC at 1-800-232-4636. 

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