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My scholarship experience – Niko Bauer 

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“University is a massive obligation, and you’re stressed at the outset because you don’t know how you’ll pay for it on top of hours of studying and learning. The support of a scholarship goes so far beyond a dollar amount. It’s so relieving to know you have that kickstart to get going. It’s super beneficial. I’m paying for my school with a mixture of working and taking a gap year, but it’s not quite enough. I applied for scholarships all over and figured this [CNIB scholarship] was an area where I’d have more access and opportunity to receive a scholarship.Nico, a young man with brown hair, smiles and poses for a selfie-style photograph. He is wearing a taupe sweater. I liked how personable the scholarship application is – they wanted to see your transcripts and know who you are and your goals and aspirations. It gave me a chance to sit down and really think about why I was doing this. Not just why I needed the money but also why I’m actually pursuing an education. The chance to identify my goals was a great opportunity to pause and reflect. Where do I see myself in 5-10 years? Well, what I’m studying doesn’t give me a specific job like a civil engineer. I’m studying economics, which teaches me how the world and capitalism and the system of exchange works. Philosophy teaches me how to think, write and articulate my thoughts, and business teaches me how to apply those skills in a way I can orient myself and turn what I love to do into a financial pastime and means of living. I don’t have a specific job I want to do, like a personal trainer, chef, etc. I have a long-term goal – it’s not fixed. In all actuality, what I want to do with my life is demonstrate to other people who feel as though they can’t, or are told they can’t, that if they work hard enough hand orient themselves in a way that presents opportunities and try, that there is no such thing as limitations. I want to live a life that inspires others to achieve their goals and dreams.” – Niko Bauer

Niko Bauer is majoring in economics and philosophy with a Master’s in business management at the University of British Columbia. In 2022, he was a recipient of the newly established KPMG scholarship.