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My White Cane, My Journey 

Sight loss does not discriminate and affects a diverse range of people from all walks of life. We spoke to people who use the cane across Canada and asked them to tell us about their experiences learning to use the white cane, how it is a life changing tool for them, and what they want the public to know. 

A black and white photograph of Ben walking in a forest. He holds his white cane up in the air near his waist.

Bernard’s White Cane Story

For many years, Bernard was reluctant to use the cane or be connected with the sight loss community because he was afraid of being stigmatized. Now his cane is a source of pride and as a Ghanian Canadian he uses it to advocate for other causes like Black Lives Matter.
Julia smiles and poses for a photo. She is sitting in a wheelchair and wearing a green shirt and black pants,

Julia’s White Cane Story

Julia shares with us her experiences as an active person who uses a wheelchair as well a cane, and what drives her passion for educating younger people on what her white cane means.
Ramla smiles and poses for a photo against a white background. She is wearing a grey dress and a hijab.

Ramla’s White Cane Story

Ramla was born in Somalia and began her white cane journey in Canada. She realized that if she wanted to live an independent life, she would need to use a cane. Now as an avid cane user she brings awareness to others.
A selfie of Jason. He has a goatee and is wearing a blue shirt.

Jason’s White Cane Story

Jason was a long-haul truck driver in Manitoba before he lost his sight suddenly. He spoke to us about how he learned to use a cane virtually and adjusted to life as a cane user during the COVID-19 pandemic.