Nova Scotia

Group of Diverse Business People Discussing About World Issues

International Affairs

We are an active participant on the international stage, working with government and other non-profit organizations and to share expertise and professional resources with people experiencing sight loss.
Man wearing Volunteer T-shirt and giving thumbs up sign

Fundraise or Volunteer

Fundraising or volunteering for an issue you care about is a great way to bring your team together, while providing life-changing support to people in your community impacted by blindness.
man in suit holding a set of keys

Gift of property

A gift of property minimizes your estate's taxes while maximizing your ability to change the lives of future generations of people impacted by blindness.
Photo of a black lab guide dog wearing a yellow vest

Guide dog etiquette

Learn about proper guide dog etiquette.
Hands raised to ask questions

Donor FAQs

If you have questions about making a donation to the CNIB Foundation, we have the answers.
Hand holding megaphone with a chalkboard behind. Chalk drawn on board to show sound coming out of megaphone.

CNIB International Youth Internship Program

Working with Global Affairs Canada, CNIB is providing in-person and remote international internships for persons who identify as living with disability aged 18-30.
A man holds a door open for a woman holding a folded up cane


Volunteer Drivers assist by driving CNIB staff with sight loss to training sessions and meetings.
An iPhone 11 screen displays the Seeing AI app.

Seeing AI App Series

"Seeing AI" is a free app for iPhones/iPads that audibly describes what’s in front of the camera. Learn how to use it to read text, identify money, colours, pictures and more in the series of workshops.
An illustration of a newspaper icon outlined in a black paintbrush style design with white accents on a yellow background. Text: Equalize.


As a trusted member of our advocacy community, Equalize aims to update you on CNIB’s advocacy campaigns, initiatives and programs from coast to coast to coast. We’ll highlight some of our work, profile local advocates, discuss regional and national advocacy issues, and more!
Bob Huber stands outside of the Saskatchewan legislative building with his two dogs, smiling with his sunglasses on and green Roughrider ball cap.

Meet Bob

Because of the help he received from peer group, Bob no longer puts limits on what he can or can’t do and he hopes the group is doing the same for others with vision loss. “Thanks to them I have more confidence when I leave my home and the world is not such a scary place anymore. I want others that are struggling with vision loss to know it gets better.”