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Alan Bridgeman

Celebrating CNIB Volunteers: Meet Alan

As a Tech-Mate, Alan volunteers his time to work one-on-one with participants in the British Columbia area who are interested in brushing up on their assistive and accessible technology skills.
Jessica Bailey, poses at the Lake Joe waterfront. She does the American Sign Language sign for "I Love you". An icon of a hand with a heart floating above it appears in the top right hand corner.

Celebrating CNIB Volunteers: Meet Jessica

CNIB Lake Joe is lucky to have long-time volunteers, but not many are like Jess Bailey. She has been volunteering at CNIB Lake Joe for most of her life!
National Youth Council

Celebrating CNIB Volunteers: The National Youth Council

Le Conseil national des jeunes d'INCA (CNJ) offre à ses membres la possibilité d'influencer le changement et d'accroître la sensibilisation aux questions auxquelles sont confrontés les jeunes Canadiens vivant avec une perte de vision.
​​​​A professional headshot of a smiling Niko.

My scholarship experience – Niko Bauer 

By: Niko Bauer 

University is a massive obligation, and you’re stressed at the outset because you don’t know how you’ll pay for it on top of hours of studying and learning. The support of a scholarship goes so far beyond a dollar amount. It’s so relieving to know you have that kickstart to get going. It’s super beneficial. I’m paying for my school with a mixture of working and taking a gap year, but it’s not quite enough. I applied for scholarships all over and figured this [CNIB scholarship] was an area where I’d have more access and opportunity to receive a scholarship. 

Jade Ondrik passionately sings a song.

CNIB Lake Joe’s Got Talent: Introducing Jade Ondrik

Jade Ondrik, Virtual Music Specialist at CNIB Lake Joe, has been singing her heart out for as long as she can remember. The 19-year-old GTA resident was enrolled in vocal classes when she was just four years old and has been singing, dancing, and acting her whole life.
Alessia Tuilli with guide dog in a kayak on the water at CNIB Lake Joe.

CNIB Lake Joe for Beginners: Alessia’s Story

Alessia Trulli’s life changed at 22 when she woke up one day and couldn’t see. Diagnosed with cone-rod dystrophy, Alessia was going to school and supply teaching as an Early Childhood Educator as she started to adjust to her sight loss.
A young woman reads a newspaper to an older woman.

Vision Mate Program

The Vision Mate program is CNIB's flagship initiative for one-on-one support. The program matches people who are blind or partially sighted with sighted volunteers who provide companionship and assistance with everyday tasks and errands.
Kathy and her son Clayton stand on a waterfront balcony at their cottage.

All in the Family: Kathy gives back to CNIB Lake Joe by volunteering

Kathy McCormick and her family have a long history with CNIB Lake Joe. Their first time at camp was in 2002 with their oldest son Jack, and since then, someone in the family has either volunteered or worked at the camp.
Munashe Nya gives the thumbs up on the deck near the Welcome Centre at CNIB Lake Joe.

Meet Munashe

In July, Munashe Nyenya visited CNIB Lake Joe with three other youth from Alberta for the Canadian Leadership Development Program (CLDP). This program offers youth who are blind or partially sighted an opportunity to come together for learning, skills development, social interaction and good fun. We caught up with Munashe to hear what he had to say about his time at CNIB Lake Joe.
A selfie of Laura Mason. She sits outdoors in the sunshine with a lush green plant behind her.

An intervener’s experience at CNIB Lake Joe

Every year during Adult Week programming, CNIB Lake Joe welcomes guests who are Deafblind and their intervenors. Laura Mason is an intervenor with CNIB Deafblind Community Services in Hamilton, Ont. And we spoke with her about her experiences at CNIB Lake Joe.