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Elderly woman in red is walking and being guided by another woman who is wearing a yellow shirt and olive green pants.

Mission and Values

Learn about our mission and the values that animate everything we do.
Older female holds a magnifier to a package. She is standing in front of another woman who is helping her with the magnifier.

Cortical Visual Impairment

Cortical visual impairment (CVI) is sight loss caused by neurological damage. Learn more about CVI.
stack of research reports

International Levels of Employment Study

International Levels of Employment Study
CNIB Century of Change award medals in their open boxes with their blue ribbons out on display

CNIB Century of Change Award

Recognizing the leaders, volunteers, funders, community partners, advocates and champions who have worked with CNIB to change what it is to be blind.
a cartoon drawing of white newspaper.


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Woman using a tablet

Mobile Phones and Tablets

Find out how mobile phones and tablets mean accessibility.
Woman reading an article on her computer using zoomtext


Learn about screen magnifiers, which enlarge and enhance text for people with low vision.
Woman using a computer with screen reader

Screen Readers

Learn about screen readers, software that enables people with sight loss to use computers.
Woman getting her eyes checked by optometrist

Your Eye Care Team

Learn more about the key players on your eye care team.
Man looking down and marking a piece of wood with a pencil. He is wearing protective glasses.

First Aid for Injuries

Getting the right treatment fast can help prevent sight loss. Learn more about first aid for eye injuries.
Two women sitting at a bench. The woman on the right has a white cane next to her, and the woman on the left has a golden labrador guide dog.

Eye Safety

It’s not just workplace injuries that case eye injuries. In fact, more than two thirds occur outside of a work setting. Learn more about eye safety.