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Elderly woman in red is walking and being guided by another woman who is wearing a yellow shirt and olive green pants.

Mission and Values

Learn about our mission and the values that animate everything we do.
"Two kids climbing rock track. "

CNIB Partners in Vision - Frequently Asked Questions

Browse the questions below to find out more about your monthly donations as a CNIB Partner in Vision. If you can't find the information you're looking for here, call us toll-free at 1-800-563-2642 or email monthly.giving@cnib.ca. One of our specialists will be happy to assist you.
Laurie sits on her living room floor with her guide dog, Bridget, a yellow Labrador retriever-golden retriever cross. Bridget wears a graduation cap and sits in Laurie’s lap. Laurie affectionately presses her face against the Bridget’s fluffly face.

Class of 2023

After completing intensive training, it’s finally graduation day for the CNIB Guide Dogs class of 2023! CNIB Guide Dogs is celebrating 15 new partnerships, including nine guide dog graduates, five buddy dog graduates, and one ambassador dog graduate.
Salim Kassam

Celebrating CNIB Volunteers: Meet Salim

Local Calgary resident Salim Kassam loves to give back to his community. In 2014 Salim was diagnosed with Ushers Syndrome, a genetic disease that affects both hearing and sight. It was then that he originally connected with CNIB for support – and quickly fell in love with the community and cause.
Alan Bridgeman

Celebrating CNIB Volunteers: Meet Alan

As a Tech-Mate, Alan volunteers his time to work one-on-one with participants in the British Columbia area who are interested in brushing up on their assistive and accessible technology skills.
Jessica Bailey, poses at the Lake Joe waterfront. She does the American Sign Language sign for "I Love you". An icon of a hand with a heart floating above it appears in the top right hand corner.

Celebrating CNIB Volunteers: Meet Jessica

CNIB Lake Joe is lucky to have long-time volunteers, but not many are like Jess Bailey. She has been volunteering at CNIB Lake Joe for most of her life!
National Youth Council

Celebrating CNIB Volunteers: The National Youth Council

Le Conseil national des jeunes d'INCA (CNJ) offre à ses membres la possibilité d'influencer le changement et d'accroître la sensibilisation aux questions auxquelles sont confrontés les jeunes Canadiens vivant avec une perte de vision.
Jessica in the shed at CNIB Lake Joe, wearing her coveralls while she takes care of the fleet of red tandem bicycles.

Volunteer Jessica Bailey: over 20 years and counting

CNIB Lake Joe is lucky to have long-time volunteers, but not many are like Jess Bailey. She has been volunteering at CNIB Lake Joe for most of her life!
Maria Reinhart, posing for a photo outdoors, wearing a red plaid shirt with green shrubs behind her.

Meet Maria, CNIB Lake Joe’s new Program Manager

We are so pleased to welcome Maria to CNIB Lake Joe as our new Program Manager.
​​​​A professional headshot of a smiling Niko.

My scholarship experience – Niko Bauer 

By: Niko Bauer 

University is a massive obligation, and you’re stressed at the outset because you don’t know how you’ll pay for it on top of hours of studying and learning. The support of a scholarship goes so far beyond a dollar amount. It’s so relieving to know you have that kickstart to get going. It’s super beneficial. I’m paying for my school with a mixture of working and taking a gap year, but it’s not quite enough. I applied for scholarships all over and figured this [CNIB scholarship] was an area where I’d have more access and opportunity to receive a scholarship. 

Jade Ondrik passionately sings a song.

CNIB Lake Joe’s Got Talent: Introducing Jade Ondrik

Jade Ondrik, Virtual Music Specialist at CNIB Lake Joe, has been singing her heart out for as long as she can remember. The 19-year-old GTA resident was enrolled in vocal classes when she was just four years old and has been singing, dancing, and acting her whole life.