
Elderly woman in red is walking and being guided by another woman who is wearing a yellow shirt and olive green pants.

Mission and Values

Learn about our mission and the values that animate everything we do.
Lisa answers questions and provides information by telephone.

Programs and Services: Registration and Information

Registration for CNIB Quebec programs and services and information about resources, the health system, your eye condition and any other questions you may have.
Older man and young woman standing next to each other in an empty hallway

Executive Leadership Team

CNIB's team of senior leaders across the country are passionate about changing what it is to be blind today. Learn more about our executive leadership team.
hand signing will

Gift in your will

Leaving the CNIB Foundation a gift in your will is a wonderful way to build your legacy, while making a difference to future generations of people impacted by blindness.
Illustration of the Venture Zone  logo, which displays a bright yellow lightbulb with a dollar sign placed over it next to the words “CNIB Venture Zone”

Venture Zone: Vision and Mission

The work world has changed. Entrepreneurship and self-employment are a growing part of our work culture. Maybe you want to start your own business or work as a freelancer or consultant. The Venture Zone is here to give you the resources and inspiration to succeed.
Image d'un jeune adulte qui lit un manuel braille assis dans une rangée de bibliothèque

Formations pour permettre aux personnes vivant avec une limitation visuelle de défendre leurs droits

Lors de ces formations virtuelles, vous en apprendrez davantage sur vos droits, les lois qui vous protègent et sur les recours possibles qui s’offrent à vous selon le thème que vous choisirez, soit : le transport, l'emploi, l’éducation, l'environnement bâti (accessibilité des lieux), et les services.
Know your Rights logo

Training for legal professionals

Do you want to learn more about the situations that blind or visually impaired people sometimes face in order to better help them defend their rights? Catheryne Houde, Know your Rights project manager and lawyer, is offering several training sessions throughout the month of September with a flexible schedule to better suit your availability.
CNIB Know your Rights Project

History Behind the Project

Although the twentieth century brought with it the recognition of society's duty to reasonably accommodate people with disabilities, there is still work to be done and CNIB has been working for several decades to advocate for the rights of blind people.
CNIB Know your Rights logo


No one should be discriminated against when looking for a job because of their visual impairment. However, negative attitudes of employers are among the main barriers to employment for people with visual impairments.
Take action to ensure that your rights are respected and that you have access to the job you want.
A woman kneels down beside her golden retriever guide dog.

Interviews with our advocates

CNIB interviewed five of our advocates across the country to capture their experience as voters who are blind or partially sighted. Watch the video below to get their take on what works during federal elections in Canada, what still needs to be changed, and get some tips and tricks on advocating at the polls!
CNIB Know your Rights Project

Health care

According to a survey conducted by CNIB, 33.9% of respondents say they have difficulty accessing health care at least once a year because of their visual impairment. Access to health care should be equitable for all. If you are discriminated against, stand up for your rights with this guide to understanding your rights.
Black and white image of a world map.

Accessible voting around the world

Voting around the world can look very different to what we are used to in Canada, where steps to reduce barriers to the electoral process have been underway for decades. Some countries have begun to reduce barriers to voting more recently, while others have already implemented popular solutions for electors with sight loss.