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Ontario South (Greater Toronto)

Elderly woman in red is walking and being guided by another woman who is wearing a yellow shirt and olive green pants.

Mission and Values

Learn about our mission and the values that animate everything we do.
Man with sunglasses reading braille

Reading Uncontracted Braille

Learn to read uncontracted braille.
Little girl using a  brailler

Reading and Writing Uncontracted Braille

Learn to read and write uncontracted braille.
Boy using a brailler

Unified English Braille (UEB) Transcription Course

This intensive course leads to certification in UEB, qualifying you to transcribe English print materials into contracted braille.
Braille music and a violin

Music Braille Course

Learn to transcribe music into braille.
Three canvassers working on behalf of CNIB smile for the camera while standing on a sidewalk in a residential neighbourhood. Each canvasser is wearing a yellow CNIB baseball cap, vest, and lanyard with photo identification.

Have you seen us in your neighbourhood?

Yes, we are fundraising! CNIB has partnered with fundraising organization Globalfaces Direct, TNI and Public Outreach to fundraise safely for monthly donations in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and other regions across Canada.