British Columbia & Yukon

The back of a young woman's head. She sits at kitchen table and types on her laptop computer.

Tween Zoom Hangout

Join us to play games, chat, and make new friends. Please note that this program is for individuals between 10-14 years of age. Every Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.
An illustration of a megaphone outlined in a black paintbrush style design with yellow accents.

Guide Dog Handlers Chat Group

This is a safe and supportive place for guide dog handlers from across the country to get together and chat. Share the joys and challenges of being a guide dog handler as well as tips to keep our guide dogs happy and engaged. Biweekly on Friday from 1 to 2 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.
An illustration of a smiling sunshine icon outlined in a black paintbrush style design with yellow accents.


A call-in social group. Each session will have a topic of discussion. This program is designed for participants 19+. Biweekly on Friday from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Pacific Time on Zoom.
An illustration of a smiling sunshine icon outlined in a black paintbrush style design with yellow accents.

CNIB Harmony Choir

Music alone shall live. It is hard for us not to fall in love with music. It is soothing and it greatly touches our soul. This program intends to bring youth and adults with blindness and vision loss from across Vancouver Island to experience many benefits for the mind, body, and soul that community and singing can bring. We are thrilled to welcome Marcelina Stanton as the musical director. She is a Latin American musician who loves to perform popular and traditional songs and play guitar. No prior singing experience is necessary. Everyone is welcome and if you play an instrument, you are invited to bring it along. The Victoria Community Choir meets at CNIB Victoria every Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. 
An illustration of two bingo cards and red, circular, chips marking the card.

Song Bingo Game Night

Come join us on alternating Fridays for our Song Bingo Game Night! All you need to participate is access to phone or Zoom and a bingo card at home or online!  Feel free to play as a family or house! There will be prizes for the first 3 bingo winners of each game and those who correctly name the most tunes! This program is open to participants of all ages. Biweekly on Friday from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Pacific Time on Zoom.
An illustration of a smiling sunshine icon outlined in a black paintbrush style design with yellow accents.

Youth Transition Advanced Series

Join us for a series of sessions beginning in April 2024 that emphasize educational and career-based skill-building for anyone between the ages of 15 and 30 years old.  Our advanced series will focus on topics such as crafting the perfect resume and cover letter, advocacy at all ages and stages, as well as sports and recreation with sight loss. Every other Saturday from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Pacific Time on Zoom. 
A small garden lined with potted plants on a shelf.

Let's Get Gardening

If you have a green thumb (or you'd like to have one), then this gardening discussion group is for you! We swap success stories, talk about our favorite plants, and generally 'dish the dirt' on all things horticultural. For all levels of garden enthusiasts. Whether you patio or container garden, or have lots of gardening space, the time in this group will just buzz by. Every Monday from 1 to 2 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.
A support group of eight people sit in chairs in a circle and engage in lively conversation.

Meaningful Mondays: Compassionate Conversations

This Adjustment to Vision Loss (AVL) Discussion Series keeps the interactive conversation going. In a safe and confidential, peer led, (virtual) space, people with sight loss can drop in to explore, contribute, and understand the many emotions and losses associated with sight loss, and build self-confidence for leading a meaningful and independent life. Second Monday of every month from 1 to 3 p.m. Eastern Time on Zoom.
An illustration of two music notes.

Music for Kids – Monday Session

Music Therapist Erin Koop hosts weekly sessions on Zoom for children and youth participants across the country. These interactive sessions are filled with songs, stories, and more!  Get ready to make some music!  This group runs on Zoom, every Monday from 3:45 to 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time.
An iPhone and iPad sit side-by-side on a table top.

Wireless Wednesday

Are you new to assistive technology? Want to get more out of your smart device or computer? This Zoom workshop is a 2 for 1! The first hour is devoted to structured learning – focusing on basics and beginner topics. Later on, we'll have a volunteer-led, tech-focused Q&A discussion group dealing with a wide range of questions. Come prepared to swap tips and tricks, share about your favorite apps, help one another and strengthen your own skills in the process. Join us while we figure it out – together! This technology group is hosted on Zoom on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month from 1 to 3 p.m. Pacific Time.