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Ontario South (Greater Toronto)

Elderly woman in red is walking and being guided by another woman who is wearing a yellow shirt and olive green pants.

Mission and Values

Learn about our mission and the values that animate everything we do.
Man holding a smartphone

Phone It Forward

CNIB wants to ensure that anyone who is blind or partially sighted can benefit from safety, independence, and enablement that a smartphone, along with the proper training, can provide. If you have sight loss, live in Canada and are registered with the CNIB Foundation, you are eligible for a free smartphone through Phone It Forward.
Two older women pose for a photo together. They are sitting outside near a water fountain.

National Donors and Partners

Every year, we are astounded by the incredible support of our donors. Some of you attended or organized fundraising events while others signed up to be monthly donors, made gifts in your wills, or gave in memory of loved ones.
A stack of braille materials

Braille Transcription Services

The CNIB Beyond Print Braille Portal can braille just about anything for you!
change this picture

Why Braille = Literacy

This section explains the relevance, usage and importance of braille for people with sight loss and the braille services available for CNIB participants. Learn about our braille services and the importance of braille.
A college student types on her laptop.

CNIB Post-Secondary Scholarships & Bursaries

Multiple CNIB post-secondary scholarships are available to students who are blind, Deafblind, or have low vision and pursuing diploma or degree, skilled trades certificate, apprenticeship, continuing education program, or post-graduate degree. Learn more about the application requirements and submission process.
Two women shake hands over a table of six business people.

What is an Entrepreneur?

Have you ever wanted to open your own business, but feel overwhelmed by all the business jargon?
We'll break down some basic business terms for you to get you started.
an overhead view of six people sitting around a table working on some research documents which include graphs and tables.

About CNIB Research and Project Submission

Learn more about our research team and how to get involved.
Cover of ABCs of IOS manual

The ABCs of IOS Manual

This free manual provides parents and educators with the age-appropriate information they need to teach a child how to interact with an iPad using VoiceOver. To put the latest knowledge at children's fingertips, it incorporates accessible apps with educational content.
A young boy poses for a photo on a picturesque mountain hillside.

About the Contest

Show off your creative writing talents for a chance to win cash prizes!
iPhone with CDs

Library Services for People who are Blind

Access a world of books and information through specialized library services in your community.