Icon of a magnifying glass with an eye in it and the words: Daily Living Skills

Rehabilitation Services

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Vision loss rehabilitation is specialized training that gives people who are blind or partially sighted the practical skills they need to live safely and independently.

Rehabilitation services are personalized and may include:

  • maximizing your remaining eyesight through lighting and contrast 
  • learning new ways to cook, shop and manage your home 
  • connecting you with devices and apps that make life easier 
  • training on how to use a white cane 
  • travelling in the community and using transit 

Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada is the leading provider of this vital training. Visit the Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada website for a full list of what they offer. 

Request rehabilitation services

Getting started with rehabilitation is simple: 

  1. Talk to your ophthalmologist, optometrist or other health care professional about the impact of sight loss in your life and how rehabilitation could help. 
  2. Ask for a referral to Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada using this secure online form
  3. You’ll hear back from Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada in a few days to get the ball rolling.