a close up shot of hands on an Orbit Reader.

Workplace Accommodations

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Accommodation is simple and often inexpensive. Financial assistance is available. Talk to the employee or applicant about accommodation because everyone’s experience and needs are different.

Technology for employees with sight loss

Here are some basic technologies employees with sight loss might use: 

  • Screen readers: Software programs that read information on a computer aloud to a user via a headset. 
  • Screen magnifiers: Software programs that enlarge the visual display of a computer. 
  • Refreshable braille: These display devices can be connected to a computer or an SD memory card, allowing the user to read the content on their screen or a file in braille format. 
  • Mobile devices: These often have built-in accessibility features. For example, the iPhone has the option for users to enable its built-in Voiceover screen reading program. 

Make simple changes things like:

  • Adding a lamp into the employee's workspace
  • Removing the bulb from an overhead light near the employee
  • Keeping hallways and common spaces obstacle free
  • Providing accessible technologies 

Here are some quick tips for creating an accessible workplace