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Government of Ontario logo. Black text on a white background with a black illustration of a Trillium flower enclosed in a circle.

CNIB Response to Ontario Budget 2021

On March 24, 2021, the Ontario government released the 2021 Budget, "Ontario's Action Plan: Protecting People's Health and Our Economies". 

During the government's pre-budget consultations, CNIB submitted a response that urged the Ontario government to take action to address the low employment rates for people who are blind or partially sighted, which has become significantly worse due to the economic impacts of COVID-19.

We were pleased to see critical investments to support people with disabilities specifically. CNIB continues to work with the provincial government to find ways of enhancing and growing CNIB's Come to Work program with the ultimate goal of building the employment skills and employment opportunities for our Talent Pool.  
Illustration of a megaphone

CNIB Foundation transitions its Brantford programs to a hybrid community resource access, and virtual model

As of January 2021, in light of the success, expanded reach, and impact of these virtual programs, CNIB Foundation programs in Brantford transitioned to a hybrid community resource access, and virtual program delivery model. This shift in how we deliver our programming will ensure CNIB continues to be effective and impactful in our service delivery model, and will further enable us to work together as a community to maximize support for people with sight loss in the Brantford area, both through virtual means, and in-person.
A person receiving a vaccine. A sleeveless arm is injected with a needle.

CNIB urges provinces to ensure vaccination distribution strategies are accessible

As COVID-19 vaccination clinics roll out across the country, CNIB is publicly urging provincial governments and local public health units to ensure their vaccine distribution strategies are accessible to Canadians with sight loss.
Halton Healthcare logo and CNIB logo

Halton Healthcare Pilots Accessible Wayfinding Technology at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital

Oakville, ON – In partnership with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), Halton Healthcare is piloting BlindSquare, an innovative wayfinding system for people with sight loss. This initiative, being launched at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH), will create a more accessible experience by ensuring individuals with sight loss have the opportunity to navigate the hospital safely and independently.
Illustration of a megaphone

Ninety years later, voting is still not accessible in Canada

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives Canadian citizens the right to vote. But for many Canadians living with sight loss, voting isn’t as simple as walking into a voting booth and checking a name on the ballot. It’s an inaccessible process that involves little to no secrecy, and numerous barriers.
CNIB Guide Dogs trainer kneels next to puppy wearing yellow vest

Georgian helps fill urgent need for guide dogs

The CNIB Foundation is honoured to announce that Georgian has responded to the urgent need for guide dogs in Canada caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by sponsoring a dog for its entire working life.
An illustration of a white, thought-cloud bubble against a grey background. Inside the thought bubble is the CNIB/INCA logo in black.

How has one of Canada's oldest charities become more relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic?

By John M. Rafferty
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many charities struggled, while others were forced to close their doors. So, how did CNIB – a 103-year-old charity – become more relevant to Canadians with sight loss?

It wasn't easy. There was no playbook. CNIB was venturing into unknown territory, but we kept focused on our mission and that guided our way. As an organization with a mandate to remove barriers for Canadians impacted by blindness, we knew the need for our programs would be at an all-time high during this unprecedented time of isolation.
Imagine Canada trust mark

CNIB achieves accreditation from Imagine Canada’s Standard Program

We are pleased to announce that, as of today, CNIB has been accredited under Imagine Canada’s Standards Program. With this achievement, we join a distinguished community of more than 250 non-profit organizations dedicated to operational excellence.
Walter Gretzky sits at a grand piano surrounded by 9 youth with sight loss. They are smiling and excitedly singing a tune while Walter plays the piano.

Remembering Walter Gretzky

CNIB is very saddened to hear of the loss of Walter Gretzky. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Gretzky family. Walter was an incredible CNIB supporter and avid advocate for youth with sight loss.
A ScripTalk Station Reader surrounded by pill bottles.

An update on ScripTalk audible prescription labels

ScripTalk audible prescription labels enable blind, partially sighted or print-impaired pharmacy patients to hear important prescription label information free of charge.