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Elderly woman in red is walking and being guided by another woman who is wearing a yellow shirt and olive green pants.

Mission and Values

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Our mission

  • To change what it is to be blind through innovative programs and powerful advocacy that enable Canadians impacted by blindness to live the lives they choose.

Our values

  • Empowerment: We take bold, decisive action to move our mission forward and empower people impacted by blindness to find their courage, raise their voices and realize their dreams.
  • Inclusiveness: We are a community that welcomes all. We embrace one another's differences and we break down barriers that would exclude anyone from being meaningfully engaged in our world. 
  • Passion: We care deeply about what we do, because we know how much it matters. We pursue our goals relentlessly and we don't give up on anyone, or anything.
  • Innovation: We think big, take risks and embrace change that can accelerate progress and enable success for our clients, volunteers, donors and employees.
  • Collaboration: We believe that to make change happen, we need to bring people, ideas and resources together in new and exciting combinations. Teamwork is fundamental to our success.   
  • Integrity: We treat others the way we want to be treated. We are kind, fair, honest and respectful and we maintain open and transparent decision-making in all aspects of our work.