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CNIB Guide Dogs

CNIB Guide Dogs Logo: A sketch of a dog in harness sitting next to the words "CNIB Guide Dogs".
At CNIB Guide Dogs, we raise, train and match dogs with Canadians who are blind, Deafblind, or have low vision. We also raise our voices to ensure people with sight loss have opportunities to live, work and play without barriers.

Apply for a CNIB Guide Dog

People with sight loss often say having a guide dog is a transformational experience. Being part of a guide dog team provides mobility, safety and confidence, leading to increased independence and a sense of connection with the world. At CNIB, we believe that everyone who would like to have a guide dog should have that opportunity.  Learn more about the CNIB Guide Dogs application process and apply today!

A Golden guide dog in harness. The handler firmly holds the guide dog’s harness, and the team is paused on the sidewalk.

Support CNIB Guide Dogs

Support a future guide dog that will help give freedom and independence to a person with sight loss. Gifts from generous supporters means CNIB Guide Dogs can raise, train and match guide dogs with Canadians with sight loss, and handlers never pay a cent.

A tiny black puppy and a yellow Guide Dog in harness sit side-by-side on the ground.

Volunteer with CNIB Guide Dogs

Do you love dogs? Could you see yourself welcoming a future guide dog puppy into your life? Do you have time during your day to introduce a pup to the world around them and help them take their first steps toward becoming a future guide dog? CNIB Guide Dogs is growing our team of volunteer Puppy Raisers and Boarders.

Information for Guide Dog Handlers

At CNIB Guide Dogs, we offer support for guide dog handlers across Canada, regardless of where their guide dog was trained. Through education and awareness, we are committed to ensuring social attitudes shift to universal acceptance and appreciation for guide dogs. Review Canadian legislation relating to guide dogs, discover advocacy tools and resources, tips on what to do when you're denied access because of your guide dog, and learn more about our Guide Dog Assistance Program.

Cheri smiles and sits on a bench, and her guide dog, Sassy, sits on the pavement to her right. Sassy is a black dog in harness. It’s lightly snowing, and Cheri is wearing a red winter jacket and gloves.
Adam, a child with sight loss, sits next to his CNIB Buddy Dog, Henson outside on a park bench.
A guide dog team crosses a city street. The older male handler firmly holds the guide dog’s harness, and the team is in motion.
At a CNIB office, Penny sits in a chair. Her guide dog, Honour, a black Labrador retriever-golden retriever cross, sits at her feet. Penny pets Honours head and smiles with joy.

Success Stories

Come and meet the extraordinary people whose lives have been changed by CNIB Guide Dogs.

From Puppy to Partner

The process of becoming a guide dog begins before birth, with animals that are bred to have the physical and behavioural traits that make them best for the work. Future guide dogs move through an established training process with checks along the way to ensure their appropriate development. It's a team effort involving volunteers, trained staff and guide dog users. 

Guide Dog Etiquette

A guide dog is a partner in independence for people who are blind or partially sighted and can open up the world in a profoundly different way. In order to do that, there needs to be a better understanding of guide dog team etiquette.

The top half of a Black Labrador's head. Above it's head is the text: Guide dogs belong everywhere. It's the law

Guide Dog Champions

Guide dogs and their handlers are allowed access to any premises to which the public would normally have access. It’s the law. Show your support for guide dog teams in your community.

CNIB Guide Dogs Class of 2024

After being raised by Volunteer Puppy Raisers in communities across Canada and completing intensive training at our Canine Campus, CNIB Guide Dogs is proud to celebrate the guide dogs, buddy dogs and ambassador dogs graduating with their new partners each year.

Join Our Team

At CNIB Guide Dogs, every member of our team not only describes themselves as a dog person, but a people person as well. They love what they do from start to finish – from the moment a puppy starts training, to the day it’s matched with the perfect partner. Learn more about joining our team as a Guide Dog Trainer (GDT) or Guide Dog Mobility Instructor (GDMI).